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【适用版本】商锐9 【模块】档案管理 【点击数】44
【问题描述】一键优化提示销售表中有空货商,并已用下面语句执行,修正了154行,但再次执行一键优化时仍提示有空货商update t_im_flow set supcust_no=a.main_supcust from t_bd_item_info a where a.item_no=t_im_flow.item_no and t_im_flow.supcust_no IS NULL但用下面语句未发现select main_supcust  from t_bd_item_info   where main_supcust  IS NULL
select supcust_no  from t_rm_daysum  where supcust_no  IS NULL
select supcust_no  from t_im_flow  where supcust_no IS NULL
select main_sup  from t_da_jxc_daysum  where main_sup  IS NULL数据库已在160227-455058  问题中发送

【答】 题描述里的语句只是处理了供应商为空的数据,
update t_im_flow set supcust_no=a.main_supcust from t_bd_item_info a
where a.item_no=t_im_flow.item_no and t_im_flow.supcust_no IS NULL–还需要执行如下语句,如下语句是处理业务数据里有货号没供应商信息的数据。
update t_im_flow set supcust_no=a.main_supcust from t_bd_item_info a
where a.item_no=t_im_flow.item_no
and t_im_flow.supcust_no not in (select supcust_no from t_bd_supcust_info)

未经允许不得转载:思迅软件知识库 » 一键优化提示销售表中有空货商,并已用下面语句执行,修正了154行,但再次执行一键优化时仍提示有空货商

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